Ice Cream Bucket
GG Collection
Metal Ice Cream Bucket with Scoop
5.5" x 5.5" x 5.25" (Pint Size)

Measuring Cups
GG Collection
Four assorted twisted metal measuring cups.

Measuring Spoons
GG Collection
Set of four assorted twisted metal measuring spoons.

Twisted Metal Hostess Set
GG Collection
Hostess set includes solid spoon, slotted spoon and serivng fork.

Twisted Metal Salad Bowl Set
GG Collection
Set of four twisted metal style salad bowls.
6.5" x 4"

Twisted Metal Large Serving Bowl
GG Collection
Large twisted metal serving bowl.
13.5" x 6"

Twisted Metal Three Tiered Server
GG Collection
Three tiered twisted metal server.
GG Collection
16" x 16" x 22"

Twisted Metal Beverage Tub
GG Collection
Set of four condiment spoons

Twisted Metal Knife Spreaders
GG Collection
Set of four knife spreaders

Twisted Metal Flatware Set
GG Collection
Five piece place setting.
Twenty piece place setting

Twisted Metal Beverage Tub
GG Collection
Large Beverage Tub

Twisted Metal 4 Bowl Tray Set
GG Collection
Four bowls fit nicely into tray with handel.